You don’t need a cupboard full of specialist equipment, but here are my recommendations of essential baking tools.
Baking trays and tins
A selection of large, flat non-stick, reasonably heavy baking trays are useful. A 1kg loaf tin is essential for both bread and cakes. If you don’t have non-stick trays or tins, you can either season your trays with oil, or you can use baking parchment (not grease-proof) or silicone paper.
Baker’s scraper
This is an extremely handy tool when baking. Look for a really solid scaper that won’t bend. The best ones have a plastic or metal handle and a rigid steel blade, although they are available with plastic blades too.
Plastic tubs/bags
Oiled plastic tubs can be used to contain and help shape wetter doughs whilst they rise, however, a clean plastic bag can be used over a large bowl to create an aerated environment for the dough rise.
Electric mixer
This is not an essential piece of equipment. However, it is incredibly useful in shortening the kneading time and is less hard work on the arms!
You can bake well in any oven, whether it is gas, electric, oil or solid fuel. But baking times may need to be adjusted.
Sourdough equipment
A 2-litre transparent container is perfect for raising sourdough starter, as it allows you to keep an eye on how the yeast is behaving and the dough is growing. A proving cloth is needed to rest the dough on when proving as they can be very clack and spread out. A clean cotton tea-towel covered in flour is ideal for this. Alternatively, you can buy proving baskets, (also known as bannetones), which will help give your dough a beautiful shape.